Saturday, 27 June 2009

The T-Shirt

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Richmond Riverside After Tweetcamp

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What Do You Want To Talk about Today?

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Umm, let me think about it.

A Twitter Developer!

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The man in a yellow t-shirt was the first to open a twitter account in the UK, how cool is that?

Drinks being served, awesome!

Winding down conversations by twitting one liner summaries. Well cool.
We shall all enjoy the rest of day with more food and drinks.

Paper Wiki

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No, it's not a chemistry periodic table!It's a kind of an offline wiki. Each letter represents a particular group table where a chosen topic is being discussed. topics of interest are making money and making more money! Also, being realistic by meeting real Twitter people and stealing their ideas.

Breakfast Served

We are having breakfast at tweetcamp. Lots of wonderful and beautiful people gathered in the dining area. The food is lovely too, lot's of it!